Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (6): 162-170    DOI:
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The Online Parameters Identification of the DC-Side Filter of High-Voltage Direct Current System Based on Harmonic Current Change Ratio
Huang Yinlong1, Le Jian1, Mao Tao1, Luo Hanwu2, Liu Kaipei1
1. School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China;
2. East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Limited Company Hohhot 010020 China

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Abstract  This paper presents a novel method to online identify detuning components of the filter at the DC side in HVDC system. This method only needs to measure the current of each branch of the filter and analyzes the harmonic component, and then identifies the detuning component through calculating the change rates of several harmonic currents. The principle and the implementation of the proposed method are presented, and the theoretical formula is deduced about the relationship between the harmonic current change rate and the detuning ratio of different elements.. Thereafter, this paper proposes the criterions to identify the filter detuning, detuning components in series and in parallel of the filter, and the detuning degree. Simulation results of single-tuned and double-tuned filters show the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method. This method can expand the original functions of the traditional filter with simple modification. It can realize the online identification of detuning components accurately and rapidly, and has good application prospect.
Key wordsHigh-voltage direct current      detuning identification      DC filter      harmonic current     
Received: 21 February 2014      Published: 01 April 2016
PACS: TM712  
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Articles by authors
Huang Yinlong
Le Jian
Mao Tao
Luo Hanwu
Liu Kaipei
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Huang Yinlong,Le Jian,Mao Tao等. The Online Parameters Identification of the DC-Side Filter of High-Voltage Direct Current System Based on Harmonic Current Change Ratio[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(6): 162-170.
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