Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on Fast Vector Selection |
Zhang Yongchang, Yang Haitao, Wei Xianglong |
Power Electronics and Motor Drives Engineering Research Center of Beijing North China University of Technology Beijing 100144 China |
Abstract In the area of power electronics and motor drives, finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) has attracted increasing attention from both academic and industrial communities, due to its simple concept, easy incorporation of constraints and good multivariable control ability. Based on the principle of cost function minimization, conventional FCS-MPC selects the optimal voltage vector by evaluating all the feasible ones. It is computational intensive and impractical for this method to predict future behaviors of the system under all voltage vectors. Thus, an improved scheme is proposed in this paper. By analyzing the process for vector selection in detail, the proposed method only requires one prediction to select the optimal vector. Hence, the control complexity and computational burden are significantly reduced. Simulation and experimental tests were carried out on a two-level inverter-fed PMSM drive. The results prove that the proposed method exhibits excellent dynamic and steady state performance over a wide speed range.
Received: 18 September 2014
Published: 01 April 2016
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