A Robust Adaptive Neural Network Control Method Based on Permanent Magnetic Linear Synchronous Motor for the Reticle Stage of Lithography |
Wang Yiguang1, Li Xiaojie2, Chen Xinglin2 |
1. Heilongjiang University Harbin 150080 China; 2. Harbin Insitute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract This paper presents a robust adaptive neural network tracking compensation control strategy based on permanent magnetic linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) for long-stroke reticle stage of lithography. It can estimate the model uncertainty and external nonlinear disturbance real-time online by radial basis function (RBF) neural network. A long-stroke PMLSM model of reticle stage based on parametric uncertainty and external disturbance was established. The derivation of the control strategy and the theoretical stability were analyzed. It was shown that the proposed model can guarantee convergence of the position error and velocity error. The actual effectiveness of this control strategy was verified by a fifth-order S-curve tracking experiment on the long-stroke reticle stage of lithography. The experimental data showed that the tracking accuracy met the design requirements well. This strategy doesn’t require precise modeling of the actual system parameters and the external disturbances which are difficult to measure. It is very suitable for the application in precision motion control field.
Received: 08 April 2014
Published: 01 April 2016
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