A Unified Power Quality Conditioner with Three-Phase Decoupling in Series Section |
Wang Hao1, 2, Liu Jinjun2, Mei Guihua1 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Guangzhou 510080 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China |
Abstract In traditional modular multilevel converter-unified power quality conditioner (MMC- UPQC), series section adopts single converter and three single phase transformers. These three single phase transformers are connected in star at converter side. With this structure, UPQC fails to compensate the voltage swell/sag with zero sequence. A novel topology MMC-UPQC is proposed to improve the voltage swell/sag compensation capability. In the novel topology MMC-UPQC, series section adopts equivalent dual converters in series and three single phase transformers that have no direct connection, which can realize three-phase decoupling. In this paper, principle of the novel topology MMC-UPQC to improve the voltage swell/sag compensation capability and to increase the system safety and reliability is analyzed. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the novel MMC-UPQC. Compared with the traditional MMC-UPQC, the novel MMC- UPQC can compensate the voltage swell/sag with positive, negative and zero sequence. The novel MMC-UPQC can increase the system safety and reliability by decreasing the current of series converter, decreasing the voltage at common dc side or adopting redundant operating mode at converter level.
Received: 17 December 2013
Published: 03 March 2016
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