Uncertainty Analysis for Simulation of Shipboard Electric Propulsion System Based on Multi-Dimensional gPC |
Liu Sheng, Cheng Yinzhong |
College of Automation Harbin Engineering University Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract In order to analyze the influence of many uncertain factors on the design stage of shipboard electric propulsion systems, gPC was applied in the uncertainty analysis of system simulation. A method to construct multi-dimensional gPC from one-dimension gPC by tensor product was adopted in this paper. By applying the method in the first-order stochastic differential equation, the efficiency of the proposed method was validated. Then, uncertainty analysis of the simulation for the shipboard electric propulsion systems arising from two independent random variables was analyzed. The statistical properties of variables were obtained. The results showed that the proposed method can simulate and analyze the performance of the shipboard electric propulsion system affected by multiple uncertain factors effectively. The dynamic and steady-state performance of the system will be affected by the random variables. The largest impact appears when the system is about to steady-state from dynamic process, which can provide reference for design and development.
Received: 22 October 2013
Published: 03 March 2016
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