Proportional Load Sharing for Parallel Inverter Systems Based on Modified P-V Droop Coefficient |
Jin Guobin1, 2, Luo An1, Chen Yandong1, Xiao Huagen1, Li Ling3 |
1. National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research CenterHunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. College of Electrical Engineering Northeast Dianli University Jilin 132012 China; 3. Hunnan Institute of Engineering Xiangtan 411101 China |
Abstract In order to realize proportional load sharing of parallel inverters in proportion to the inverters volumes under different line impedances, an active power injecting method is presented. After analyzing the key reason about disproportional load sharing of the parallel inverter, this paper analyzes the relationship between the line impedance and the output active power of the inverter, and further presents the proportional load sharing method for parallel inverters. The correction curve of P-V droop coefficient is also provided. The presented method can implement proportional load sharing based on the field line impedances or one time P-V droop coefficient correction during debugging or running process of the inverters. Simulation and experimental results validate the feasibility and superior performance of the presented method.
Received: 31 December 2013
Published: 03 March 2016
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