Control Loops Selection for Independent Design of Multiple Damping Controllers with Interactions Considered |
Ma Yanfeng, Zhou Yichen, Zhao Shuqiang, Liu Jiaomin |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract This paper proposed a controller loops selection method based on branch and bound (BAB) method, for the problem of multi-controller coordination caused by interactions. The loops selected can provide not only large controllability and observability of the corresponding weak or negative mode, but also the small enough interactions between loops. As a result, independent design of each controller parameter can achieve the goal of multi-controller coordination. Firstly, this paper builds the multi-controller control loops selection model based on power system model with time delay. And then, a controller loops selection method based on BAB method is provided, which can solve the problem of multi-objective combinatorial optimization. The method to select the most suitable solution is also proposed according to the specific environment from the Pareto-optimal set obtained by BAB method. At last, the 2-area 4-machine system and the New England 10-machine 39-bus system are adopted as test system. It is shown that the proposed method can select the control loops with large controllability and ovservability, and has small enough interactions. In addition, the independently designed controllers based on these loops have good coordination effects.
Published: 03 March 2016
Fund:国家电网公司大电网重大专项资助项目课题(SGCC-MPLG019-2012),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2014MS88)和河北省自然科学基金(E2011502014)资助项目 |
Corresponding Authors:
马燕峰 女,1978年生,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为电力系统分析、运行与控制。E-mail: ma_yanfen01@163.com
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