Stationary Frame Direct Power Control of Grid-Connected Inverter under Unbalanced and Harmonic Grid Voltage |
Shen Yongbo, Nian Heng |
College of Electric Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a direct control strategy for voltage source grid connected inverter (VSI), based on the mathematic model of VSI on the stationary frame, to enhance the operation performance of VSI under the unbalanced and harmonic grid voltage. This strategy can implement two alternative control targets, i.e., stable output active and reactive power, as well as balanced and sinusoidal output current. The reduced order generalized integrator (ROGI) is applied to quickly decompose the positive sequence component of the grid voltage, further to calculate the power reference compensations. Vector proportional integrator (VPI) is used to control the power ripple components accrately. Finally, the experiment system of VSI is built to validate the proposed DPC strategy.
Published: 03 March 2016
Corresponding Authors:
年 珩 男,1978年生,博士,教授,研究方向为分布式发电系统及其控制、风力发电系统及其控制等。E-mail: nianheng@zju.edu.cn
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