A Fast and Simplified Formula for Calculating the Mutual Impedance with the Earth Return of the High-Speed Railway Track Circuit |
Du Xuelong1, Wang Zhixin2, Zou Jun1 |
1. Electrical Engineering Department Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2. Beijing National Railway Research & Design Institute of Signal & Communication; Beijing 100073 China |
Abstract The mutual impedance of two adjacent track circuits is one of the important parameters for analyzing the track circuit. Considering the earth return of the high-speed railway track circuit, a fast and simplified formula for calculating the mutual impedance is studied in this paper. First, the mutual impedance of two adjacent track circuits is obtained based on the Deri’s ground impedance expression. Then, according to the spatial location characteristics of track circuit, the expression of the mutual impedance is simplified through Taylor formula. The results indicate that the simplified formula has high accuracy, and is suitable for calculating the mutual impedance with the earth return of two adjacent track circuits.
Published: 03 March 2016
Corresponding Authors:
杜学龙 男,1988年生,博士研究生,研究方向为高速铁路轨道电路邻线干扰。E-mail: xuelong.99@163.com
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