Shielding Effectiveness Comparison of a Rectangular Box with an Aperture Covered by Conductive Sheet |
Jiao Chongqing,Li Shunjie |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Three different definitions of shielding effectiveness for a shielding box with an aperture covered by conductive sheet are considered:i.e.the shielding effectiveness SEi with the incident field taken as reference field,SEa with the penetration field in case of the aperture opened as reference field,and SEm with its reference field defined as the penetration field when a reference sheet employed.Effects of the two factors,cavity resonance and observation point position,are investigated numerically for the three different types of shielding effectiveness.It is shown that SEi is affected strongly by the two factors,SEa is affected comparatively lessand SEm ishardly influenced.Especially,SEm can be explained as the shielding effective of an infinite conductive sheet relative to the other one.This feature makes it very useful for shielding effectiveness evaluation of conductive material.
Received: 25 June 2015
Published: 21 January 2016
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