Study on the Calculation Method for Radio Interference Electromagnetic Field of HVDC Transmission Line with Finite Length |
Xie Li,Zhao Luxing,Lu Jiayu,Ju Yong |
China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract Firstly,the corona current along an open-ended transmission line with finite length injected by a single corona source is deduced.So the above-ground spatial electromagnetic field produced by the whole line can be analyzed.Secondly,the total electromagnetic field generated by the current of multiple corona sources is obtained under the uniform injection assumption.By the comparison of the calculated results from various methods,as well as the measurement data with two kinds of antennae,it is verified that the error of the radio interference (RI) of the test lines calculated by the method of in finite long line is acceptable within a certain range.
Received: 23 June 2015
Published: 21 January 2016
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