Energy-Storage Battery Optimal Configuration of Mobile Power Source for Power Supply Ensuring of Users |
Du Zhaobin1, Chen Zeng1, Guan Lin1, Xi Yunhua2, Huang Ping1, Huang Yaopeng1 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China; 2. Guangzhou Electric Power Design Institute Guangzhou 510620 China |
Abstract The high quality demand of power supply urges the continuous service development in power supply ensuring of users. The flexible and reliable power source technology is the key to satisfy the actual demand. This paper proposes an energy-storage battery optimal configuration model of mobile power source, namely UPS (uninterrupted power supply), in which economical efficiency, safe reliability of paralleling design, and mobility (weight index) are all taken into account as the design targets. The model considers the discreteness and restriction of battery capacity, as well as UPS inverted voltage variability within a reasonable range. The method of cloud adaptive particle swarm optimization including dimension mutation operator is used for optimal allocation scheme solution. The examples demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model and method.
Received: 05 May 2014
Published: 30 December 2015
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