Nonlinear Damping Controller for Grid-Connected LCL Filters |
Yang Renzeng, Zhang Guangxian |
Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract This paper presents a cascading nonlinear controller that applies to the grid-connected converter with LCL filters, based on linearization control. Herein, on the basis of an affine nonlinear model of three-phase grid-connected converter with LCL filter, the active and reactive currents of the converter at grid side and converter side are controlled with global linearization, through decoupling exaction from nonlinear feedback linearization controller. Consequently, the active damping of the filter is obtained. The cascading nonlinear controller removes the resonance of LCL filters and promotes the control performance of the converter effectively. Simulation and experimental results show the validation and feasibility of the proposed strategy.
Received: 25 February 2014
Published: 30 December 2015
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