Layer Thickness and Surrounding Rock Influence on Through Casing Resistivity Logging Based on Numerical Mode Matching Method |
Zhang Chao1, 2, Liu Guoqiang1, Liu Yu3, Shi Changkai4 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190 China; 3. CNPC GreatWall Drilling Company Beijing 100101 China; 4. China Electric Power Research Institute Bejijing 100192 China |
Abstract Through casing resistivity logging can measure the layer resistivity efficiently, so it has great significance on the residual oil evaluation and dynamic monitor. In this paper the influence of layer thickness and surrounding rock on through casing resistivity logging response is analyzed based on numerical mode-matching method (NMM). The results show that when the layer thickness is larger than electrode distance, the difference between layer and surrounding rock has little effect on the logging response. When the layer is smaller than the electrode distance, the apparent resistivity deviates from the real value of layer more obvious when the difference between layer and surrounding rock becomes larger. Based on numerical computing resultsly, as correction plate is established and corresponding correction method is proposed to correct the results due to the influence of layer thickness and surrounding rock.
Received: 13 May 2014
Published: 30 November 2015
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