Influence of Insulation Paper’s Thermal Aging on the Formation and Migration Behavior of Space Charge in Oil-Paper Insulation Dielectrics |
Liao Ruijin1, Liu Haibin1, Zhou Nianrong2, Xia Huanhuan2, Lin Yuandi1, Guo Pei1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute (Group) Co. Ltd. Kunming 650217 China |
Abstract Space charge is easy to accumulate in oil-paper insulation system under high voltage DC field, which will cause the distortion of internal electric field, thus leading to the degradation of material insulation performance. Therefore, research on the influence of insulation paper aging on the space charge properties in oil-paper insulation dielectrics is of great significance. In this respect, the accelerated thermal aging experiment of insulation paper is conducted under 130℃ and then these papers was impregnated with new insulation oil to get the oil-paper aged for different time. Then the injection, migration and dissipation characteristics in oil-paper insulation system were studied with pulsed electro-acoustic(PEA) method. The influence of insulation paper’s thermal aging on the total amount of space charge under voltage on process and decay process, were investigated as well as on the surface trap energy density. The results show that the maximum positive charge density at the anode and the maximum negative charge density within the samples during voltage on process increase while the decay rates of space charges decrease with the insulation paper aging degree.The more the deterioration of the insulation paper, the larger the total amount of space charge with samples and the surface trap energy density. By investigating the influence of oil aging on space charge properties in oil-paper insulation dielectrics, it turns out the thermal agings of insulation oil and paper both will affect the distribution of space charge in oil-paper insulation dielectrics and increase the total amount of space charge, thus causing a great influence on the insulation performance of materials.
Received: 14 October 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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