Day-Ahead Scheduling Optimization for Microgrid with Battery Life Model |
Yang Yanhong1, 2, Pei Wei1, Deng Wei1, Shen Ziqi1, Qi Zhiping1, Zhou Meng3 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 3. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract Battery energy storage is an important element to be considered when the day-ahead dispatch of microgrid is carried out. In order to maximize the abilities of battery energy storage for stabilizing the fluctuations of renewable energy, regulating the difference between peak and valley and reducing the back capacity, the impacts on the battery life need to be considered, such as remaining capacity, charge power discharge power and the number of use times. In this paper, the mathematical model of each battery discharge loss is established. Before the model is introduced into the scheduling optimization objective function appropriate simplification is carried out by the weighting factor. For the characteristics of battery energy storage constraints coupled in continuous time, the Lagrangian relaxation and interior point method are introduced to solve dynamic programming model. The numerical example shows that the proposed method has good optimization results.
Received: 15 November 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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