Active Power Filter Double Hysteresis Method with Improved Deadbeat Control Based on Built-in Repetitive Controller |
Zhang Chenyu, Mei Jun, Zheng Jianyong, Zhou Fuju, Guo Shaoqing |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract In this paper, a novel method built-in a repetitive controller is put forward to make up periodic error of deadbeat algorithm and discrete control system. The design of the plug-in repetitive controller ensures stability margin and steady precision of the system. Accounting for the poor dynamic performance of repetitive controller, the paper uses hysteresis control strategy based on space vector combined with double hysteresis control thoughts. When the error current falls into the inner ring, the accurate switching state can be obtained by the optimal vector modulation. While when the error current falls into the outer ring, the error current decreases to a new steady state through the fastest vector control. Simulation and experiment results both demonstrate the proposed method has good compensation effect of steady-state control accuracy and improved transient response speed.
Received: 15 October 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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