Control Strategy of Three-Phase to Single-Phase Matrix Converter with Power Decoupling Capacity |
Zhang Wenbin, Ge Hongjuan, Xu Yuxiang |
Key laboratory of New Energy Power Generation and Electrical Energy Transformation Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract Regarding most of the three-phase to single-phase matrix converters (3-1 MC), three-phase currents are distorted and the capacity of power supply is usually twice as much as output power, because the inherent single-phase power component is directly coupled to the input side. This paper proposes a power decoupling circuit to compensate the impact of the pulsed power component. However, 3-1 MC power decoupling topology increases power switches which have effects on closed loop control strategy. Thus, a novel control system is proposed based on virtual dc link voltage feedback, using the decoupled small signal dynamic model which is deduced from the gradually simplified average signal model. In addition, the method for calculating PI parameters of the control system has been optimized. Finally, several experiments show that the unit power factor is achieved, and instantaneous current and output voltage can be adjusted with good dynamics.
Received: 13 December 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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