A Zero Voltage Switching Bridge-Type DC-DC Converter with a Coupling-Capacitance |
Yuan Yisheng, Hu Pan’an, Luo Feng |
East China Jiaotong University Nanchang 330013 China |
Abstract A zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) DC-DC converter is proposed. Based on a bridge-type constructer, a coupling capacitance Cb is added in parallel with two series-connecting primary windings. Thus the synchronous operation of the two primary windings and current-sharing can be realized. The phase-shifting PWM method is adopted in this converter, and four power switches can achieve ZVS in a wide load range. This converter neglects the output filter inductor, and only utilizes the leakage inductance of the transformer to transfer energy. The switching-capacitor voltage-double technique is adopted at the secondary side, to improve the voltage gain. The operation theory in each stage is analyzed in detail. Some key characteristics, including voltage gain, ZVS condition and Cb selection, are also explained. One prototype is tested, with 50kHz switching frequency, 600W rated load, 42V input voltage and 250V output voltage. The efficiency can reach to 92.5% under 70W, and the test waveforms verify the theory analysis.
Received: 05 August 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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