Improving the Flux Weakening Control Performance of Electrically Excited Synchronous Generators Based on Virtual Impedance |
Zhao Xin, Wu Xuezhi, Li Geliang, Tong Yibin |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract In order to overcome the stator overvoltage of electricity excitation direct-driven wind power generator in case of short-term overspeed, this paper studies the flux weakening control range of electrically excited synchronous generator (EESG). Flux weakening control can be obtained by reducing the rotor side excitation current, but the response is too slow because of the large rotor side inductance. This paper proposes a method of using the virtual impedance in the rotor side control system to reduce the inductance of the system. Simulation and experiment results show the flux weakening control of EESG based on virtual inductance has good dynamic response.
Received: 27 December 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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