Optimum Design and Performances Analysis of the Longitudinal-Bending Hybrid Rotating Type Ultrasonic Motor |
Wang Guangqing, Yue Yuqiu, Zhan Yongzheng |
Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou 310018 China |
Abstract A novel longitudinal-bending rotating type ultrasonic motor consisting of a piezoelectric stack and two bimorph cantilever plates is presented in this paper. The 1st longitudinal vibration mode and the 2nd bending vibration mode are employed in this motor to generate an elliptic trajectory at the contact head of the stator, which drives the rotor to continuously rotate. The general structure and operating principle of the new motor are introduced at first, and the electromechanical model of the stator is established with finite element method. The modal analysis and optimization design of the stator, as well as the frequency tuning of the two modes, were carried out. Simulation analysis of the vibration performances was also performed to testify the validity of the design method. Finally, the force transferring model of the motor was derived based on the impulse theorem and the energy conservation principle, and the mechanical performances of motor were numerical calculated. Research results contribute to improve the output performances and provide guidance on modeling ultrasonic motor.
Received: 28 November 2013
Published: 30 November 2015
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