The Computation of Vibration Reduction Capacity for Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Improved Magnetic Field Partition Method |
Zhang Xin, Wang Xiuhe, Yang Yubo |
Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract The vibration suppression of switched reluctance motor (SRM) is a focused research area. This paper presented an improved method of magnetic field partition based on parabola arc formula to calculate the air-gap permeance of the SRM with complex rotor or stator profile. Then, a analytic calculation method on the weakened percentage of radial force wave was proposed, which adopted the ratio mode to calculate the reduction extent of radial force wave by changing the air-gap permeance. This method can provide a reference for vibration suppression design on changing stator or rotor profile. Taken a SRM with slotted rotor as an example, the magnetic field partition methods based on parabola and ellipse arc formula were used respectively to calculate winding inductance and the weakened percentage of radial force wave, which were validated by finite element analysis and prototype motor test. The results verified the improved method of magnetic field partition and the method on computing the weakened percentage of radial force wave.
Received: 14 April 2014
Published: 30 November 2015
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