The Arc Fault Detection Based on the Current Signal Short Time Zero Crossing Rate |
Liu Xiaoming1,2,Xu Yefei1,Liu Ting1,Yu Fangyu1 |
1.Shenyang University of Technology School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang 110870 China 2.Shenyang University of Technology (Yingkou) Institute of Engineering and Technology Yingkou 115200 China |
Abstract The present arc fault detection algorithms are complex and hard to be applied in the engineering cases because of the constraints in the hardware performance and the cost.So,an arc fault detection method using the current signal short time zero crossing rate is presented.The arc fault detection prototype device prototype with a micro control unit is then implemented.The main feature of the proposed method is that only addition and subtraction computations are required in extracting the feature vectors.The validity of the proposed method is testified by analyzing the arc fault current signal using the short time zero crossing rate feature and the comparison with the short time Fourier transform.The pattern matching algorithm is then used to detect and classify the arc fault.The experiment shows that the method is sensible to the arc fault current signal,effective in detecting and classifying the arc fault,and easy to be realized in the practical cases.
Received: 25 November 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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