AC/DC Converter Based on Matrix Converter |
Wen Feng, Jiang Jiuchun, Guo Huiping |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract In this paper, a new type AC/DC converter topology is achieved by transforming traditional 3-phase to 3-phase matrix converter. Operating principle of this converter is analyzed. High frequency transformer realizes electrical isolation between input and output, and also reduces volume and weight of the whole system. The adopted two-line-voltage modulation strategy is analyzed in detail; expressions of input current and output voltage under this modulation strategy are derived, which shows that the modulation strategy adopted in this paper can realize sine waveform of 3 phase input currents and also unity power factor, meanwhile, output voltage is proportional to modulation index. In the end, a prototype is made by using a 16 bit MCU of MOTOROLA and a CPLD, validate correctness and feasibility of the theory and control strategy proposed in this paper.
Received: 10 July 2007
Published: 12 February 2014
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