An Overview on Control Strategies of Grid-connected Inverter under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions |
Yang Tongguang1,2,Gei Weihua2 |
1. Hunan City University Yiyang 413000 China; 2. Central South University Changsha 410075 China |
Abstract Under unbalance grid voltage and distortion conditions, the output active power and current of grid-connected inverter will be secondary pulsation and distortion. In order to improve the quality of grid-connected inverter current, reduce the impact of the grid-connected inverter to the grid effectively, research on grid-connected inverter control strategy under unbalanced voltage has become important. In this paper, focus on grid synchronization, extract the positive-negative-sequence frequency current, current control, harmonics and filter, overview of the current control for grid-connected inverter under unbalance voltage conditions is present and evaluated. Furthermore, the trends of the grid inverter under unbalanced grid conditions are discussed.
Received: 14 August 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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