Multi-Physics Coupling Analysis of Rough Surfaces Using 3D Fractal Model |
Zhou Li,Lu Tiecheng,Zhang Bo,Yu Guangkai,Wan Jiawei |
Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract This paper had established a contact resistance model for three-dimensional rough surface using Weierstrass-Mandelbrot fractal function based on fractal theory. This model takes into account the random distribution of contact spots and interaction between the contact spots. The validity of this model had been verified by comparison analysis of simulation results and experimental data. The model had been used to analyze the complex multi-physics coupling on the rough surface contact area of electrical equipment, as well as the impact of fractal characteristic parameters on the topography, contact load and contact area of the rough surface. The researches show that this model can fully reflect the characteristics of the three-dimensional rough surface. Based on this model, the thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of contact area on the rough surface are analyzed. It provides theoretical basis to scientific assessment of electrical contact state of electrical equipments.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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