Fault-Tolerant Control Technique of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on Open Winding Configuration |
Nian Heng, Zhou Yijie, Zeng Hengli |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract In order to implement the fault-tolerant operation of converter for permanent magnet synchronous generator(PMSG) based on open winding configuration, the paper firstly analyzed the fault types of the converter, and developed the mathematic model of open winding PMSG under the fault tolerant operation condition. Then, by investigating the voltage vector distribution of two generator side converters on the different fault condition, the synthetic voltage vector assignment mechanism and control strategy of the converter fault tolerant operation for open winding PMSG is proposed. Finally, the experimental system of the open winding PMSG is built to validate the availability of the proposed fault-tolerant operation strategy.
Received: 11 November 2013
Published: 29 June 2015
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