An Architecture Design and Topological Model of InterGrid |
Zhao Hai1, Cai Wei1 Wang Jinfa1, Jia Siyuan1, 2 |
1.College of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China 2.San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California San Diego CA 92093 United States |
Abstract The InterGrid is an important method to solve energy and environment crisis and the technological backbone of the 3rd industrial revolution.The architecture design issues are the fundamental aspects of the InterGrid research and development.An InterGrid architecture based on hierarchical energy storage units is designed, which is followed the aims and features of the InterGrid as the rules, while leaded by the succeeded Internet topological structural characters.Additionally, a topological model is proposed by bstractive presenting the designed architecture.The presented architecture appears more like to the Internet than the traditional power gird in the model simulations.In the meantime, the typical experiments show that the robustness of the proposed InterGrid architecture is significant improved comparing with the traditional power grids.And the proposed topological model could be an important theoretical foundation to study the future InterGrid system plans and architecture designs.
Received: 14 February 2015
Published: 29 June 2015
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