Description Method Ⅲ—for Unobvious Hydrophobic State of Composite Insulators Usability of Droplet Area Method |
Dai Hanqi, Mei Hongwei, Wang Liming, Wang Xilin, Zhao Chenlong, Jia Zhidong, Guan Zhicheng |
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University Shenzhen 518055 China |
Abstract This paper aims to find out proper parameters to describe the unobvious hydrophobic state of polluted composite insulators, and to define the unobvious hydrophobic state clearly based on refinement of present hydrophobicity class(HC). Droplets horizontal projected area of 10μL indigo solution was used to reflect the hydrophobic state of dirty layer. Relationship of droplet area and flashover voltage was built for illustrating the influence of hydrophobicity on polluted flashover characteristics. Considering about the morphology of droplets and flashover values of samples, HC7 is divided into 4 stages, respectively are HC7A, HC7B, HC7C and HC7D. Comparing with test results of droplets area, contact angle and results of spray grading, HC7B is defined as unobvious hydrophobic state in this paper. Tests suggest that droplet area method is suitable for unobvious hydrophobic surface, on which contact angle method is unsuitable for describing hydrophobicity state. However, in the cases of polluted surface with strong hydrophobicity, droplet area method fails to specifically differentiate hydrophobicity state. Contact angle method is a good choice for strong hydrophobic surfaces
Received: 22 April 2013
Published: 25 May 2015
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