Optimization Control Method of Induction Motor in Experimental System for Traction Equipment Safety Assessment |
Zhang Hesheng1, 2, Cao Xunkai1, Wang Jindong1, Jia Limin2 |
1. Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China 2. State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety Bejing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract An optimized control method for SVPWM in the voltage source inverter-induction motor system was developed to meet the requirements of experimental system of traction equipment safety assessment (ESTESA). The nonorthonormal basis is used to transform coordination. And then the time of the space vector is calculated through algebraic operation and the requirement of real-time is satisfied. The number of switch on/off is reduced through assigning the zero vectors. The performances of two kinds of the assignments of zero vectors are simulated in harmonic distortion, harmonic loss and torque ripple under different modulation. And then the optimized SVPWM is obtained in different environment. The method is verified in real system and the result show it is valid and has the advantage. The method has been used in the ESTESA system.
Received: 21 October 2008
Published: 11 February 2014
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