Analysis and Research of LCCL Resonant Converter for Electrodeless Lamps |
Shen Yu,Lin Guoqing |
Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350116 China |
Abstract A LCCL resonant converter topology for electrodeless lamp is presented. Dedicating to the converter and load characteristic, a resonant frequency expression is derived. Voltage gain with different loads and parameters is given. At stable state, maximum output power condition and zero voltage switching(ZVS) qualification are obtained specializing for design. The effect of the variations of parameters on resonant characteristic and ZVS are analyzed. To ensure ZVS and reduce the switching loss when the inherent resonant frequency is changed, a parameter design method balanced the maximum power and ZVS qualification is proposed. A 85W laboratory prototype was built. Experimental results were proposed to confirm validity of the method presented.
Received: 02 March 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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