Tri-state Flyback PFC Converter with Wide Load Range and Low Voltage Stress |
Zhang Fei,Xu Jianping,Yan Tiesheng,Dong Zheng |
Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract A novel tri-state Flyback power factor correction(PFC) converter with wide range of load and low switch voltage stress is proposed. By adding power switch and diode, which makes the converter operate in pseudo continuous conduction mode(PCCM), can slove the small power limitation when the conventional flyback PFC converter works under discontinuous conduction mode(DCM). Besides, it also can reduce the voltage stress of the power switch in the conventional DCM flyback PFC converter. Operation principle and steady-state characteristic analyze are discussed in detail. It can be seen that the proposed converter can obtain good power factor correction ability, low switch voltage stress and wide load range. The performance is verified by experimental results.
Received: 05 January 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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