Design of Wide-Range High Voltage Input Low Voltage Output DC-DC Auxiliary Power Supply |
Hu Liangdeng,Sun Chi,Zhao Zhihua,Ai Sheng |
National Key Laboratory for Vessel Integrated Power System Technology Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The use of high-voltage and wide-range DC-DC auxiliary power supply for the medium-high voltage and large-capacity power electronic converter system is a key auxiliary technique. Based on the double-transistor flyback circuit , the paper presents an auxiliary power supply prototype with a high-voltage, wide-range 300V~2 500V input and a low-voltage 24V output, and offers a detailed design scheme for the auxiliary power supply. Compared with the conventional auxiliary power supply, the designed auxiliary power supply start-up branch can switch off automatically when auxiliary power works, achieving the purpose of a wider-range power input. To satisfy the demand of the isolation of high-voltage power supply input and low-voltage output, the feedback circuit voltage is to be obtained from auxiliary winding. The drive scheme for auxiliary power supply refers to the adoption of the transformer gate drive with coupling inductance balance kernel, thereby satisfying the two-tube driver signals high-voltage isolation and improving the synchronism of drive signals. Moreover, the result of calculating the efficiency of the auxiliary power supply indicates that the auxiliary power supply is more suitable for high-voltage input. Finally, the related experiments done on the auxiliary power supply verify that scheme designed for the auxiliary power supply with high-voltage input and low-voltage output is practicable and correct.
Received: 31 December 2012
Published: 13 April 2015
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