Identification of Distribution Network’s Grounding Status Based on Transformer-Based Arc Suppression Coil |
Liu Weiguo,Zhao Miao,Mao Liuming,Zhou Hengyi |
State Grid Hunan Electric Power Corporation Research Institute Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract In the resonant-grounded distribution network, series resonance between the Peterson coil and the network zero-sequence capacitance after an arc incident presents great danger to the safe operation of the network. The key to solve this problem is to identify the exact arc extinguishing time. Based on the principles of transformer-based arc suppression coil (TASC), this paper introduces an arc extinguishing timing identification method, namely, frequency tracking method. The relationships between the thyristor’s triggering angle of the TASC and the frequency of the neutral point voltage is utilized in this proposed method. Laboratory and field tests were carried out to verify the proposed method.
Received: 07 January 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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