A Novel Two Terminal Fault Location Method Used ANN for UHVDC Transmission Line |
Chen Shilong1,Xie Jiawei1,Bi Guihong1,Zhang Jie1,Zhang Wenying1,Gao Chao2 |
1. Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650500 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institude of China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510080 China |
Abstract A novel two terminal fault location method used ANN for UHVDC transmission line based on the attenuation characteristic of signals with high frequency is proposed. The precision of traditional fault location method for UHVDC transmission line based on the attenuation characteristic of signals with high frequency depends on the accuracy of attenuation constant of transmission line, but it is difficult to compute that accurately, ANN that is a good tool for non-linear data modeling and non-linear function curve-fitting is selected to solve the aforementioned problems. The ratios of amplitude of initial traveling wave head of the aerial mode component of voltage traveling wave with high frequency in rectifier side to which in the inverter side of each wavelet level are chosen as the inputs and fault distance as the outputs for training and testing the neural network for fault location in the UHVDC transmission line, and fault distance can be obtained when input fault characteristic data to the trained model. A variety of transmission line fault situation are simulated based on the PSCAD, and this proposed two terminal fault location method used ANN for UHVDC transmission line based on the attenuation characteristic of signals with high frequency shows satisfactory performance.
Received: 31 March 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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