Multiple Feedback Loop Control Scheme for Inverters of the Micro Source in Microgrids |
Wang Chengshan, Xiao Zhaoxia, Wang Shouxiang |
Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China |
Abstract A multiple feedback loop control scheme for micro source inverters in Microgrid is developed in this paper. Based on the analysis of the inverter output impedance influenced by the line impedance parameters and the controller parameters, the voltage and the current controllers in the inner-loop are designed. The PI voltage regulator is applied to make the load voltage stable. The current loop uses the proportional regulator to improve the dynamic performance. After the output impedance is designed as an inductance impedance, the power controller in the outer-loop is produced based on the droop characteristics to achieve the wireless communication between paralleled inverters in Microgrid. With the implementation of the multiple feedback loop controller, the Microgrid can export high-quality power under the grid-connected mode. When the utility fault occurs, the Microgrid runs from grid-connected mode to islanding mode, and the designed controller will regulate the active and reactive power flow and enable power sharing between the paralleled micro sources in the Microgrid. Also, the controller can make the conversion between different modes seamless. The simulation results show the validity of the proposed scheme.
Received: 30 June 2007
Published: 11 February 2014
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