A Zero-Voltage Turn-on and Turn-off Single-Switch IPT Power Supply |
Wang Chunfang1,Chen Jiemin1,Li Dan2,Sun Hui2 |
1. Qingdao University Qingdao 266071 China; 2. R&D Center of Haier Group Qingdao 266103 China |
Abstract A novel single switch inductive power transfer(IPT) power supply was proposed in this paper and its switch can achieve ZVS and zero-voltage turn-off at the same time. The system structure of this power supply was introduced. Working process of the power transfer and the control strategy of the soft-switching was analyzed in detail. By using the mutual inductance model method, the equivalent circuit could be obtained. Then the voltage gain of the main circuit could be deduced and the voltage gain characteristics were analyzed as the main parameters of the circuit vary respectively. The features of the primary and the secondary resonant frequency were discussed and the control method of output voltage was given. The simulation results of the soft-switching, power transmission, efficiency and power factor are presented. A 1kW IPT system prototype was built. The soft-switching and the control waveforms were recorded. The efficiency and power factor results changing with the coils position were done to verify its performance. The feasibility of the design method is verified by the simulation and experimental results, which also demonstrate the correctness of the proposed topology.
Received: 13 December 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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