Efficiency Optimization Control Strategy for Wide-Speed-Operation Dual Stator-Winding Induction Generator Wind Power System Operating at Low Speeds with Light Loads |
Bu Feifei,Hu Yuwen,Huang Wenxin,Zhuang Shenglun,Qiu Xin |
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract To effectively use the wind energy in low wind speed region and widen the utilization range of wind energy, the efficiency optimization of the wide-speed-operation dual stator-winding induction generator (DWIG) wind power system is investigated. The topology of this system and its voltage control principle at low speeds are briefly presented. The basic principle of the efficiency optimization control of DWIG at low speeds and its particularity are also analyzed. The DWIG mathematical model considering iron losses is then derived as well. Based on this, the loss model of DWIG is built, and the optimal flux is obtained. Consequently, an efficiency optimization control strategy based on the loss model of DWIG is proposed, and its detailed implementation method is also given. The experimental results from a prototype prove that, the control strategy is correct and valid, and it can not only keep the advantage of the system outputting rated voltage at low speeds, but also greatly enhance the system efficiency at low speeds with light loads, which makes the effective utilization of wind energy at low wind speeds come true.
Received: 26 November 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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