The Research on the Electromagnetic Separable Mechanism for Aerospace Electric Connector with Large Extending Stroke |
Li Yong1,2,Zhang Ce3,Shen Yunde1 |
1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Wenzhou University Wenzhou 325035 China 2.The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China 3.Ningbo Hoyea Machinery Manufacture Co.Ltd. Ningbo 315131 China |
Abstract Due to requirements of direct drive and compact structure for the electric connector in aerospace engineering,an electromagnetic separable mechanism with large extending stroke based on the integral flux sleeve and the trapezoidal armature was presented.The radial,annular lateral and axial fluxes are formed and coexisted in the above feature,resulting in the horizontal thrust force characteristic within large stroke.Magnetic flux patterns of the mechanism at various strokes were compared and analyzed based on the established mathematic model,and the stroke-force characteristics and its causes were discussed.The effect of the structural parameters,e.g. the groove angle and the thin-wall thickness of the sleeve,the terminal shape of the armature,on the characteristics was obtained.The experimental results are in accordance with the simulation ones.The prototype of the proposed electromagnetic separable mechanism can obtain the rated thrust force of over 63 N within the extending stroke of 15 mm with the exciting current of 0.8 A,which meets the requirement of the direct drive for large extending stroke aerospace electric connector.
Received: 24 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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