Mechanism Analysis of the Electrode-coating’s Impact on the Particle-lifting Under DC Voltage |
Wang Jian,Li Qingmin,Li Botao,Chen Chao,Liu Sihua,Li Chengrong |
North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract To solve the problem of free metal-particles pollution in DC gas insulated metal enclosed transmission line(GIL),the analysis of the coating measure’s restriction mechanism forthe metal-particle lifting is carried outin this paper.Based on the theory of gas ionization and the interface charge accumulation,the model of the metal particle’s charging and lifting on the coatings under DC voltage is proposed.Furthermore,the concept of the charging timeis defined according to the time-varying characteristics of the particle-charging.To verify the correctness of the models,the multi-function test platform of metal-particle’s charging and moving is established.Experiments are carried out on the spherical metal particles with different sizes andmaterials,and the PET films with different thicknesses under DC voltage.The results validate the accuracy of the model,i.e. the coating measure just increases the particle-charging time and has no effect on the final charge,but the effect of the electrostatic adsorption force can significantly improve the lifting voltage; applied voltage,coating’s permittivity and bulk conductivity have significant effect on the charging time;and due to the existence of the charging time,the phenomennon of “intermittentlifting” will appear.
Received: 01 December 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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