Operation and Reactive Power Control of Large Turbine-Generators |
Xian Xiao,Xun Zhiwei,Zhou Daojun |
Shenhua Guohua (Beijing) Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100025 China |
Abstract Through studying the reasons that limit generators’ leading-phase operation, this article discusses the level of itsinfluential factors including the heating of the stator terminals and the generator static-state stability.It is concluded that the heating of the stator terminals has no limitation on the leading-phase operation of large turbine-generators, and determined the principle that only the coordination between the setting calculation of under excitation limiters(UEL) and the loss-of-field protection is necessary.Through analyzing the method of the mapping criteria of UEL and the loss-of-field protection between the RX-plane and the PQ-plane, the principle of their coordinative setting calculation is proposed.Furthermore, this paper develops a circular characteristic UEL and its setting calculation, and advises the settings of the loss-of-field protection.
Received: 06 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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