Two-layer Smart Charge-Discharge Strategiesfor Electric Vehicles Considering Wind Generation and Users’ Satisfaction |
Huang Guihong,Lei Xia,Yang Yi,Wang Yuzhe,Chen Xiaosheng |
Key Laboratory of Power Electronic Energy-saving Technology & Equipment(Xihua University) Chengdu 610039 China |
Abstract The charge-discharge dispatch problem for a large scale of electric vehicles is relevant not only to the electric grid’s secure and stable operation,but also to the providers’ economic profits and users’ feel.This paper creatively introduces the delaminating-partitioning scheduling concept and establishes a two-layer electric vehicle smart charge-discharge model.The particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the sequential selection methodare used to realize the bi-level programming simulation in MATLABto verify the modelthrough the IEEE16 node standard test system.In the upper-layer model,the maximization of the providers’ profit is ensuredthrough the gross charge-discharge power optimization to every partition at every time interval,and the effects of the charge-discharge activitieson the grid arereasonably evaded.In the lower-layer model,the target of the scheduling scheme is to satisfythe gross district charge-discharge power of the upper-layer model as far as possiblethrough optimization for the concrete charge-discharge strategiesof the electric vehicles in every district,and the users’ satisfaction is reasonably taken into consideration.At last,through the data interaction between the two layers,the coordination among the provider’s,grid’s and user’s interests are realized.
Received: 24 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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