Frequency-Domain Harmonic Modeling of the Series 12-pulse Rectifier Under Unbalanced Voltage Condition |
Wang Jiajia,Zhou Niancheng,Wang Qianggang,Wei Nengqiao |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Concerning the series 12-pulse rectifier which is widely used in the high-voltage direct current transmission or the high power rectifying industries,this paper analyzes its operation principle of the equivalent rectification circuit.On this basis,the harmonically coupled admittance matrices of the 12-pulse rectifier under the effect of the positive sequence and the negative sequence voltage are respectively derived,which considers the triggering angle offset caused by the unbalanced voltage condition as well as the commutation overlap angle of the thyristor-controlled rectifying circuit.The harmonically coupled admittance matrix model of the 12-pulse rectifier under unbalanced voltage condition is further established.This model can be used to calculate the harmonic current of the rectifying device analytically.It has the advantage of no need for iteration.Then the experimental platform for the 12 pulse rectifier is set up,the distribution characteristics of the coupled harmonic admittance matrix elements are analyzed,and the accuracy of the rectification model varying with the voltage distortion rate,the unbalance degree,and the firing angle is discussed in this paper.Finally,the efficacy of the proposed frequency-domain analytical model is verified by the comparison between the calculation and the experiment.
Received: 19 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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