An Improved Parameters Estimation Algorithm for Induction Motor in the Standstill State |
Liu Peng,Wu Wenjin,Su Jianhui |
Research Center of Photovoltaic System Engineering of Ministry of Education Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract In order to obtain the accurate induction motor (IM) parameters in the standstill state,an improved algorithm for parameter identification based on the asymmetric T type circuit is proposed.It is proved that only the active component of the output voltage is affected by the inverter dead time.Based on it,the accuracy of IM parameters estimation is improved through the adaptive compensation for the inverter dead time.The rotor resistor is identified through injecting two single phase alternating currents with identical slip frequency,and different amplitudes,proposing the adaptive algorithm of cancellation error voltage,and considering the skin effect.Based on the approach of equivalent motor idling,mutual inductance is identified more accurately through injecting the very low frequency single phase alternating current and eliminating the influence of the rotor resistance.All the IM parameters estimated in the standstill state is compared with the IM parameters measured by the traditional method and used in the sensor-less vector control system.The experimental results show that the proposed parameter identification algorithm has high accuracy,practicality,and robustness.
Received: 06 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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