A Load Identification Method for Inductive Power Transfer System Based on the Least Squares Algorithm |
Su Yugang1,Chen Long1,Wang Zhihui1,Aiguo Patrick Hu2,Dai Xin1 |
1.Automation college of Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China 2.Department of Engineering The University of Auckland Auckland 1010 New Zealand |
Abstract Identifying load parameters is essential to establishing an efficient,reliable and stable inductive power transfer (IPT) system.Additionally,it is the key problem to achieve optimal efficiency tracking control.This paper focuses on the parallel-serial-(PS)-type current-fed IPT system and the data matrix can be constructed by setting up high order nonlinear differential equations of the system.The load identification problem is then transformed in to the system parameter identification problem,which is solved by the acquisition of the system process parameters vector based on the least squares algorithm.Finally,the simulations and the experiments can verify the feasibility of the proposed method.
Received: 06 November 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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