Dynamic Data Window Fault Detection Method Based on Relative Principal Component Analysis |
Wang Tianzhen1,2, Liu Yuan1, Tang Tianhao1, Chen Yan1 |
1.Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai 200135 China; 2.Naval Academy Research Institute of France Brest 29240 France |
Abstract In traditional principal component analysis(PCA), because of the neglect of the influence of dimension standardization, it was difficult to extract principal components(PCs) effectively. The fault detection method based on relative principal component analysis(RPCA), its control limit is related to the number of PCs and confidence. For these problems, a dynamic data window method based on RPCA is proposed in this paper. The proposed method combined the traditional control limit and dynamic data window by introducing a weight. Finally, it is applied to wind power generation system, can detect failures effectively and reduce the rate of false alarm.
Received: 08 October 2011
Published: 27 November 2013
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