Relationship Between the Equivalent Model of Electrobath in Wastewater Treatment and Arrangement of the Electrodes |
Hu Min, He Xiangning, Deng Yan |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract Based on the equivalent circuit models of the electrobath, the parameters and their exact values are obtained under different numbers of electrolytic units (n) and under different distances (d) of the electrobath by means of lots of experimental results and curve fitting. Analysis is carried out to find out the relationship between the parameters and n, and the relationship between the parameters and d. Statistical theory is used here to verify the relationships obtained above. At the same time, some reasonable explanations are proposed to describe the mechanism of such relationships. The relation- ships between electrobath current and n, and between electrobath current and d are also analyzed. The method of loading match based on changing n and d is discussed and the principle of electrode arrangement is obtained.
Received: 09 November 2007
Published: 11 February 2014
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