Decoupled Control for Planar Motor Based on Self-Adaptive Correction for Current Distribution Coefficient |
Li Xin1,Zhu Yu1,Yang Kaiming1,Wang Xi2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Tribology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2. University of Electronic Science and Technology Chengdu 611731 China |
Abstract For the planar motor motion system with uncertainty model parameters,the scheme of current distribution is the essence that causes the coupling effects between multi-degrees of freedom. The recently research on decoupled control was mainly focus on the control algorithm design of each degree of freedom,by which the problem of coupling was not solved from the physical level. In view of the decoupled control for the planar motor with three degrees of freedom,the ARMA(auto regressive and moving average) model is established by the current input and the position output of each coil,and the minimum square of residual error between the measured output and the estimated output is applied as the objective,then a decoupled control method is proposed on the basis of self-adaptive correction for current distribution coefficient,and the recursive discretization model is given out,which can be used in the actual control. By online adjustment,the estimated current distribution coefficients will approximate the actual model parameters,and then the coupling effects can be reduced from the physical nature. The trajectory tracking experiments are carried out,comparing with the decoupled control method of data base,and the results show that the positioning and tracking performance are improved. Thus the decoupling effectiveness for MIMO(multiple input multiple output) motion system is verified.
Received: 21 April 2014
Published: 22 January 2015
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