Analysis of Output Ripple Voltage of Essential Safety for Interleaving Magnetics Buck Converter |
Yang Yugang , Qi Lin , Li Longhua |
Liaoning Technical University Huludao 125105 China |
Abstract To reach the desired output ripple voltage of a Buck DC-DC converter with a rather small inductance and especially to meet the requirements of the intrinsic safety, the interleaving magnetic technology is applied to Buck converter, which can increase the equivalent electrical inductance and decrease the equivalent essential safety inductance through setting up the reasonable coupling coefficient. The method can solve the contradiction between the big electrical inductance and the small essential safety inductance. The operating region of the converter is divided into four parts according to the inductance of its inductor. Through compared the maximum output ripple voltage in each area and analyzed the relationship between the ripple voltage and inductance,duty ratio ,the load resistance the minimal inductance should be the boundary between the minimum duty cycle with the minimum load and the minimum duty cycle with the maximum load. Finally, the theoretical analysis is verified correctly by the simulation and experiment.
Received: 23 February 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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