Research on IGCT-NPC/H Bridge Converter Commutation Process |
Kong Dehong1 , Li Chongjian1 , Zhu Chunyi1,2 , Wang Chengsheng1,2 , Yang Qiongtao1,2 |
1. Automation Research and Design Institute of Metallurgical Industry Beijing 100070 China; 2. Hybrid Process Industry Automation System and Equipment Technology State Key Lab Beijing 100071 China |
Abstract The five-level NPC/H bridge converter is evolved from the three-level NPC one. It has the advantages of small output voltage harmonic content, high power capacity and being easy to implement modular design, which is applicable to the high-voltage high-power adjustable speed control system. In this paper, the topology characteristics of a single-phase NPC/H converter bridge is analyzed, the work principle, the commutation process and the mathematical model of the NPC/H converter are investigated, and the influence of the stray inductance on the commutation process and the over voltage of IGCT is analized. The above analysis is conformed by simulation results.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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